How to Use an Easter Egg Hunt Sensory Bin in Speech Therapy
Another holiday, another sensory bin! Easter is right around the corner! My kids are loving this fun, easy “egg hunt” sensory bin. All you need is a box, some Easter grass, plastic eggs, and tiny objects (or even candy!) to hide inside the eggs. I’m using this activity to target requesting, expanding utterances, describing, following directions, commenting, asking questions, and more! Hop on down below to see exactly how I target these speech and language skills!
Egg hunt sensory bin.
Requesting: “more,” “want,” “open,” “mine,” “I want,” “give me,” “my turn,” requesting different colors. Prepositions: “in,” “out,” “under,” “on top” Verbs: “look,” “hide,” “seek,” “find,” “search,” “dig,” “bury” Color concepts: Discuss the colors of the eggs. Target comprehension and labeling. Inferencing: Hide a mini object inside each egg. Write yourself a quick list of which object is in which color egg. Give the child clues so they can make an inference about what is hiding inside each egg. Once they guess correctly, discuss the object. Describing: Hide a mini object inside each egg. Let the child pull an egg out of the bin, open it, and then cue them to describe it using attributes like group, color, size, location, parts, and object use. Click here to download my super helpful describing anchor chart for only $1! Following directions: “Put in,” “take out” Asking questions: Cue the child to ask “What’s that?” or “What’s inside?” or “What is it?” before opening each egg. Speech sounds: Hide mini objects in the eggs that start with the child’s target speech sound. Cue them to say the word and produce repetitions as they find the objects. Commenting: Model appropriate comments as the child opens each egg and encourage them to comment, as well. Think words like “whoa,” “wow,” “cool,” “awesome,” “yay,” “I like it,” etc. Reinforcer: Allow the child to pick out an egg to open after a certain number of repetitions, turns, or test items. This can be especially enticing if you put a tiny candy in each egg, like an M&M, jelly bean, or SweetTart!
So, what do I usually fill my eggs with? Tiny, Easter-themed animals and accessories! I have bunnies, sheep, ducks, chicks, carrots, and items like that!
I’ve linked some plastic eggs, Easter grass, and mini objects here for you. Enjoy!
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