The Merge Cube is a tiny, printable virtual reality toy. (Scroll all the way down to download your own!) It’s jam-packed with virtual scenes and games. Some of my favorites are the fireplace, piranha game, castle, fireworks, and boombox! Here’s what you need:
Download your own free Merge Cube demo printable or buy one from Amazon here.
Print out the cube, cut it out, and tape it together.
Download the free TH!NGS by Merge Things app in the Apple App Store for iPhone or iPad.
Open the app and point your camera toward the cube.
Navigate between apps by physically moving the cube around and using the white cursor to make selections. You hover the white cursor over the app and then tap it with your finger to open the tiny apps on each side of the cube.
Explore the cube and have fun!
Scroll below to see how I’ve been using my Merge Cube in speech therapy.
Merge Cube.
Requesting: Demonstrate an app on the Merge Cube then cue the child to request more of it. You could target the ‘more’ or ‘want’ signs, verbally requesting, or using an AAC device. Commenting: Show the child different apps on the Merge Cube and model appropriate comments. For example, you could model/target “whoa,” “wow,” “that’s cool,” “awesome” while using the fireworks app. Conversation Skills: The Merge Cube is definitely a conversation-starter! Kids AND adults are always blown away the first time I show it to them. Since it is so cool, it creates great opportunities for targeting conversation skills. You could target making comments (“cool”), asking questions (“Which app is your favorite?”), asking follow-up questions (“How do you play it?”), and more. Speech Sound Generalization: If you’re anything like me, you have a few kids on your caseload that do excellent with their target sounds in structured practice but revert to old habits in spontaneous language and conversation. I like to use the cube as our conversation-facilitating activity for the session after I remind the child of their target sound. For every correct target sound production in conversation, I give them a point on a whiteboard or plastic gold coin. And, if my kid is older and mature enough to handle it, I take a point or coin away for every incorrect production. They always try to win by keeping all their points/coins! It’s like a game within a game! Reinforcer: This one’s a given! An activity this cool is bound to be motivating! Use it as a reinforcer between speech practice trials, language tasks, or as a reward at the end of the session.
Download your free Merge Cube demo here or snag a pre-made cube from Amazon!
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