How to Use Virtual Reality Cards by Octagon Studios in Speech Therapy
REAL dinosaurs in my speech room?! Well, almost real. They’re virtual reality cards from Octagon Studio! Each card has a different dinosaur. When you slide the card in front of the camera, the VR dinosaur appears! You can look at its skeleton, make it bigger or smaller and spin it around, learn cool facts, and even make it walk around the table! This activity marvels every kid– and adult! The company also makes decks for animals, foods, occupations, and planets! Scroll down to see how I use these decks in speech therapy.
Dinosaurs 4D+ cards & app by Octagon Studios.
Requesting: Request to see a dinosaur (e.g., “more,” “show me,” “I want dinosaur,” etc.). C1V1C2V2 Words for Apraxia: “Dino” is a great 2-syllable word with consonant and vowel change. For kids with apraxia that I’m targeting this word with, we practice “dino” 5 times then they get to see a card. Commenting & Exclaiming: There are so many different comments and exclamations that come with dinosaurs! Some of the common ones we target are “ahhh,” “oh no,” “he’s scary,” and “ouch” (pretend to have the dinosaur bite my finger). Describing: Prompt the child to describe the dinosaur. What group does it belong in? What color is it? Is it big or small? Does it have spikes or smooth skin? Does it swim or walk? Is it nice or scary? Click here to download my super helpful describing anchor chart for only $1! Expanding Language: Prompt the child to use certain phrases or sentences to talk about the dinosaur. If they say “It’s a dinosaur,” you could say, “It’s a big green dinosaur!” Speech Sounds: Choose a carrier phrase that targets the child’s speech sound. For example, if I was working on /s/ with a child I might cue them to say things about the dinosaur like “I see spikes” or “I see tail.” Fluency: Practice using smooth speech or compensatory strategies while discussing each dinosaur or reading the facts about them. Concepts: Target concepts like “big” vs. “small,” “nice” vs. “scary,” “sharp” vs. “smooth,” etc. Reinforcer: This activity is super motivating, so it makes an excellent reinforcer to pair with any activity or target.
BONUS! This company doesn’t JUST make dinosaur VR cards. They make them for animals, foods, occupations, and planets, too! I’ve linked them for you below! You just purchase the cards, then you can download the app for free on iPad/iPhone and Android devices.
Enjoy! These will make you the coolest SLP in town!
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